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It's Okay if Your Yoga Space is Small

This blog gives some tips on how to make effective use of your yoga space.

Honestly, if you have enough room for a mat, you should have enough room in your yoga space to exercise. Whether or not you can enjoy some quiet depends on your home.

Our tiny townhouse is loud, it's crowded, and it's the best time of my life! Let me tell you where I've attempted to do yoga.

Your yoga space is supposed to be relaxing, but the reality is that you need to work around your life. Push your stuff into a corner. Make enough space for a yoga mat. Close a door as you send roommates or family grocery shopping, or find space outdoors. This blog will give you a glimpse into how I make yoga work in our little home. Hopefully, this will give you some inspiration on how to find space in your own home.

If I can make yoga space in my bedroom to film, you can make space to practice just about anywhere.

Okay, this is about to get real, Apologies to my husband if he's not thrilled that our home is described on a blog posting for all to see. Sorry honey! I'm thankful that my family is so supportive of this yoga adventure, but it can be pretty disruptive.

Yoga Space 1: Kitchen

I've tried hosting classes over Zoom from the kitchen after moving the table against the cabinets. It's too distracting having our cat jump up the window to catch bugs. You also never realize how much your family snacks until they are walking over your yoga mat. If your home is less busy and you have a nice kitchen floor, this might be a good space. Oh, and you have to be able to ignore the dirty dishes and steaming instant pot. If the chaos in this room ruins the mood, skip it and try another space.

Two image of kitchens: left kitchen is huge and open and the other is tiny, yet both are effective even if the yoga space is small and not a traditional ideal.

Full disclosure - the kitchen photo is "closer to reality" because I don't want to clean up the dinner dishes to make a pretty post pic. I hope you'll forgive me, but you get the idea. Small kitchens can still be useful if you're desperate for space. Every yoga space has a dream... and a reality!

Yoga Space 2: Living Room

Alright, sometimes this yoga space works really well for me. When it came to filming, it was a nightmare to move all of the furniture every weekend so I could set up the lighting and camera and make space for a yoga mat. However, for my self-practice and when teaching classes to friends/family, it's not too bad. It's the center of the home, so of course the cat still hugs my booty and the family still walks over me, but it's doable. If you can nudge the things in the center of the room to the side (coffee table, shoe rack, kids ;-), or whatever else) to make room for your yoga mat then you're good to go.

Yoga Space 3: Patio

I LOVE doing yoga outside on a nice day. Heck, I even love it on an overcast or rainy day. The problem I run into is that I tend to exercise pretty early, when the sun hasn't warmed me up yet. Full confession - I'm a total wimp when it comes to the cold. There is a reason that we moved to California! Thankfully, I like all of my neighbors and don't mind the laughs when they walk by when I'm teaching online. They're used to me hearing me tell people not to worry about what they look like. There is a patio between our home and the carport. This yoga space has a small fence (about shoulder height). It's not huge, and I can't hide what I'm doing from the neighbors, but a yoga mat on the wood works great.

Cartoon of three women doing yoga in a wide open grassy area

Yoga Space 4: Yard

We don't have yard, but are lucky to have a big grassy space outside our front door. The grass isn't level, which increases the intensity when doing yoga for the pelvic floor. (Uneven ground makes you work harder to keep the pelvis aligned). Be warned, if the grass in your yoga space is not short, your yoga mat will sink wherever you step on it. I find this incredibly annoying, but love to do yoga barefoot in the grass. If this is an option for you, and the bugs aren't scary, I highly recommend trying it!

Yoga Space 5: Bedroom

The only yoga space that makes sense for filming my yoga videos is in the open area we have at the end of our bedroom. This means moving the dog's crate (usually with him inside because he doesn't want me to lock him out of the room). It involves setting up lighting, clearing the mess off the dresser when I need the camera on top of it, and working around whatever project is ongoing.

Cartoon image of woman doing yoga in a bedroom as a small yoga spac with her pug dog closely watching.

When not filming, I have just enough space for a yoga mat in our bedroom without moving things around. I can close the door (bonus!) and pretend I'm alone. It's easier to do this when the dog is asleep and not staring into my soul, when the cat is not trying to climb up the blinds (or my leg), and the kids aren't laughing hysterically in the next room. It's a noisy and happy home, so I'll take whatever space and "alone time" I can make. If you have housemates or need a private yoga space, the bedroom is often the best option.

If you can find enough room for a yoga mat then you are usually good to go.

There are the occasional days when I use a chair or a wall as a support. Since the door needs a path to open, it can be a quick set-up. It doesn't matter if your space is tiny. The noise level can be crazy. All you really need is some motivation and good humor to make it work!

I hope this blog gives you some inspiration.

If you are interested in yoga online that focuses on the hips, back, and pelvic floor then you should check out

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